Thursday, December 22, 2011

Buffalohair,Media Sugar Coats Burma’s Bogus Government As Genocide Continues

Media Sugar Coats Burma’s Bogus Government As Genocide Continues

General Than Shwe should get an Oscar for the “Best Fiction Screenplay” in his latest international hit sensation; “Burma Has a New Government”. Supporting actors in this theatrical performance would be the International Monetary Fund, United Nations, World Trade Organization and a case of hundreds of international corporations who needed legitimacy for violating sanctions over the years in Burma. Of course Thein Sein should get an Oscar for his lead role in the sham elections of 2010; “I R President”. It is all a lie and a sham to allow international vultures to swoop into Burma and rob the rest of her natural resources while padding the pockets of the Burmese junta and their corporate thug accomplices. You remember; the guys who’ve received billions in cash under the table from Shwe’s fetid regime to avoid taxes within their respective countries with the help of SWIFT Financial Group of Belgium. Or did you forget that part?
In spite of what the corporate owned media has to say about Burma’s budding (Sham) democracy people continue to get kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered for simply spelling democracy. The people within Burma are still under siege and ethnic minorities as well as others are still being selectively killed. I was stunned to hear junta lackey and political puppet Their Sein say there was only about 3 to 600 political prisoners of conscience remaining in prisons when in actuality there is over 1,600 still behind bars. What did Than Shwe and Their Sein do with the remaining unaccounted prisoners? Sadly I do believe the junta is busy murdering the rest of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s alliance if they can’t be re-educated (brainwashed). Of course their untimely deaths would be due to disease, accidents at forced labor camps or they did not exist in the first place.
It should be noted the junta has murdered complete families to mask the murder of activists within prison walls. With no family members to account for a missing prisoner there are no witnesses hence the perfect crime. Torturing people to the point of madness is another tried and true Than Shwe trick to eliminating opposition but murder and the dissection of human corpses to feed the jungle is an all time favorite with this criminal regime and nothing has changed. People are arriving with fresh stories of rape and genocide within Burma as the media paints a completely different picture. Wake up and smell the shrimp paste.
I speak with refugees and political exiles from and in Burma daily and they tell a completely different story than the one that is being purported in the mainstream media. Sure there are some rumblings of change in Burma but for all intents and purposes Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the pro democracy movement are hostages. The Junta via Gen. Than Shwe are manipulating this whole event strictly to sugar coat corporations who’ve violated sanctions since their inception. Thein Sein is nothing more than an officer in the military following orders. Surely you remember when Than Shwe ordered his generals to ‘retire’ then form political parties for the sham election of 2010. That election was ushered in by a bogus ‘Constitutional Referendum’ in 2008 that paved the way for the sham elections in the first place. Many people were arrested and murdered so the junta could pull that one off. The junta will do it again, there is no question. Only this time they will say it was Muslim extremists or other groups the west is not in favor with to garner support. Its classic Than Shwe, don’t you pay attention? After all, Suu Kyi won a landslide election back in 1990 only to have her cabinet slaughtered and her placed in prison for simply winning the election. Remember Depayin, where was the world then?
With the mainstream media in the pockets of the very corporations that rapped Africa, South America and other nations of their natural resources it is clear Burma is another target of corporate greed and re-colonization under the mask of globalization. Bare in mind these corporations have lined the pockets of dictators for decades and murdered villagers and tribal leaders who opposed them. Democracy is a dirty world to these global corporatists. They also have private armies called ‘security’ that kill indiscriminately for the whims of corporatists. The WTO reads like a who’s who in corporate tyranny since their ranks are filled with nations lead by military dictators who violate human rights all day long. China and its ongoing crimes against humanity is a glowing example of WTO membership. ASEAN is proving not to be much better with their ranks writhe with human trafficking issues. Where is the media to expose these clowns eh? Than Shwe’s greatest deceptions is; “Burma Has a New Government” for there is no such thing as “Disciplined Democracy” and that’s the bottom line.
Burma and Thailand share borders but they also share the presents of sham politicians since Badluck Yingluck Shinawatra and General/President Thein Sein are both shills and puppets of criminals and fugitives from justice. Thaksin and Than will resort to any measure to move their own political/financial agendas forward at the expense of their own people. Guess that is why they are the darlings of the corporate world since they emulate everything that is wrong in the world today. In talking with exiles and refugees it is clear they knew it was all a sham, even the part where Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was free to make political waves. And they also believe it’s only a matter of time be another assassination attempt is made on Suu Kyi and other pro democracy pundits.
One Burmese Exile told me;
“We know it’s all a lie but we must take what we can. We live on hope because that is all we have”
Your Devil’s Advocate

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Buffalohair, Global Oligarchy is Here To Stay,….for a while

Global Oligarchy is Here To Stay,….for a while

“Oligarchy: is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with an elite class distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, commercial, and/or military legitimacy”

Hmm, sounds all to familiar but the reality is, Oligarchy is the wave of the future though it’s marketed as “Globalization or the New World Order” There is no need to point fingers since both sides of the political isle in the US and the so called free world are saturated with investor/politicians who’ve floated corporate interests before the needs of the people they are supposed to serve. Insider trading and stock manipulation are their tools of the trade. But that’s OK since it’s all about the money these days.

For that matter Russia and China don’t have communist leaders anymore. Putin and Medvedev both touted the cause for a new world order many times during their reign and steered Russia towards that fascist goal. Russia’s bogus election only picked a scab on a sore that will not heal and it was the last straw that enraged the people of Russia. Now the cat is out of the bag and Putin will resort to violence to retain his rule, but the people stand more defiant than ever before. Chinese thugs who’ve infiltrated the Chinese Communist Party have turned China into the world’s sweatshop to the joy of corporate fascists around the world. Mao would be turning over in his grave if he witnessed what China has become. After all, China is now ruled by the Landlord Class Fascists with the blessings of the World Trade Organization. Does not say much for the WTO since their membership reads like a ‘whose who’ in worldwide tyranny, slave labor and human trafficking.

If you remove all the borders, cultures and creeds you have two basic groups, the ruling or elite class and the subservient or working class. The protests or “Dawns” around the world are not secular by any stretch of the word because citizens are simply pissed off at lying politicians who front for corporations at the expense of the people. When you do the math or follow the money it becomes a fetid journey into the dark side of corporate corruption on a grand scale. Presidents, Kings and dictators from around the world are being fed cash under the table to allow corporations to rape their countries and kill their citizens. Africa, Central and South America are a testament to the wholesale slaughter of natives by private armies to clear the way for mines and plantations. *Chiquita Banana was convicted for funding right-wing terrorist organizations (FARC & AUC) who murdered Colombian villagers for plantation land. **Pig iron produced in Brazil for US Industries utilizes slave labor. Small wonder money is cursed for ‘profits from slavery’ is blood money.

Asia’s track record is of equal pall and human trafficking abounds to the joy of slave hungry corporations. China has a most lucrative Gulag System and the use of slaves is an accepted part of commerce. Western corporations have pounced on the opportunity to have cheap labor and divested in nations that adhere to laws that govern human rights and employer/employee relations. Environment? Forget about it. Trafficking labor and sex slaves is beyond epidemic proportions in Asia and corporatists have capitalized on the abundance of slaves. China is not a stable nation and is struggling with internal revolts from all quarters within its borders as of this writing. It’s only a matter of time before China’s dragon reawakens and consumes the evil that has victimized this once proud nation. And it would be poetic justice for corporate thugs who’ve abandoned America to be stuck in China when the revolution breaks out since they were in cahoots with the fetid Regime. The Chinese public knows who they are and where they live to. My bad……

Africa is a classic example of absolute corruption since corporations from around the world have landed with a vengeance. Tin horn dictators have a green light to censor torture and murder their own citizens if they pose a threat to the corporate cash flow that lines their pockets. Africa is a dark continent but not for the color of skin but for the evil that prevails in this resource rich continent. Why is it OK to subjugate the populations of Africa for corporations? The people of Africa, regardless of nation, should be wealthy or at the very least comfortable considering the trillions and trillions of dollars that was made or stolen by a hand full of people. It’s a corporate free for all as the world strips Africa of all her natural resources while giving her citizens nothing in return. We baulk at giving aid to Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Somalia and other beleaguered African nations while basking in her stolen wealth and we wonder why we are poised to suffer economically in the very near future. What comes around goes around homeboy/girl.

What did we learn about the Arab uprisings? Though the media wants you to think it’s all about Islam and the boogieman Muslims, it’s not. It’s all about corruption committed by their politicians and corporations who hoarded the nation’s wealth. We should have also caught the part where all these fallen Arab dictators were on the take from corporations throughout their bloody reigns. Funny how corporations had free reign in these nations while the citizens were suppressed censored and murdered. Small wonder the mid-east is in flames. But leave it to the media to plant a communist or jihadist label on these events to throw the blame elsewhere. Keeping people at odds with one another is the mainstay of the corporate owned media and a good job they did to. Divide and conquer, for the corporate bottom line.

In contrast India is in the midst of an anti-corruption campaign lead by Anna Hazare who founded the Indian Anti-Corruption Movement. The movement has grown exponentially and has become a powerhouse in the cause of anti-corruption within India. Obviously he is not a darling of the corporate world and the media in the west has managed to keep him out of the limelight. It’s a case for ‘out of sight, out of mind and easy to kill’, quietly. In India he is the rave with massive public support and his movement has identified corruption on a scale never before challenged in India. Granted Anna faces some very powerful international corporations, powerful political figures and it should be clear he is the target of assassination, the price paid for championing truth in an era of lies.

It’s a ‘war without borders’ as global oligarchists wage war on the citizens of the world, plain and simple. Greed and control are the axioms of today’s industrialists and we are the pawns in the most elaborate world takeover ever pulled off. When we watch protesters in London or Greece as they protest government/banker criminality we should realize these protesters are in the trenches fighting for democracy. The reason the Occupy movement seems so skewed is because there are many Americans from all quarters who are disillusioned by the absolute corruption that has become business as usual. Everyone has been betrayed in one form or another and people are starting to connect the dots, but the damage is already done.

Not everyone in the Occupy movement is a communist, fascist or fringe but average citizen’s who had enough with lies, corruption and bankers above the law. There are people from all walks of life who lost it all, job, home and family that are protesting. Veterans who’ve fought and spilled their blood who are disillusioned by the corruption are protesting and the list goes on and on. The riots on the streets around the world are directly related to one another. It is the voice of the people sick and tired of corporate/bank owned politicians who’ve betrayed their people. But sadly it will all be for not since corporate oligarchists own many of our politicians and they control the militaries, police forces and the judiciary. The one world order thing was also a part of prophecy. And if you did read your sacred book then you would also know this era of global tyranny will be short lived anyway. After all, we are living in a time of great change and man is powerless to alter the course of destiny. The only change man can alter is pocket change, capice?



Your Devil’s Advocate


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Buffalohair, Funny How Russia, China and The Media Hates Rick Perry.

Funny How Russia, China and The Media Hates Rick Perry.

Don’t know if you noticed but everyone who is not on America’s side hates Rick Perry. The Russians and the Chinese have stepped up their anti Perry rhetoric in tandem with the US media. Both the left and right within America’s political chicanery have launched a major anti Perry campaign of silence and ridicule like they did with Ron Paul. After all, Perry did threaten to pull Texas out of the US in the face of Obama-nonsense. Also, Ricks stewardship helped Texas weather this ongoing economic disaster far better than many other states in the union. What have we learned from the last election? Talk is cheap and charisma does not replace experience and a resume’ of successes. Newt and Mitt are both losers with loser track records and would only assure an Obama or even a Joe the Plumber win for that matter….lol

The noble Ron Paul was swept into the whizz-bang fringe corner along with anyone else who used the Constitution as part of their platform for a point of reference. Fortunately he has come back out swinging to the chagrin of Newt and Romney. Corporate Oligarchists along with their Russian and Chinese counterparts saturated the US media with treasonously vial jabs and assaults on Americanism on many levels. The media has singlehandedly painted a disdainable portrait of what American patriotism means and looks like. More than not, veterans and citizens are demeaned and depicted as people on the fringes of society for displaying this nation’s colors. Ultimately the politically unsightly flag is ordered removed in an atmosphere likened to the era of Hitler’s Brown Shirts and we don’t bat an eye. How far beyond stupid is that?

Tear down a Texas flag in Texas and see where that gets you. When you enter the state there is a sign that reads, “Don’t Mess with Texas”. Say what you want about Texas, but not in front of a Texan. And it don’t matter what part of the planet you are on either, someone is gong to get their ass kicked for dishonoring the beloved Lone Star State. Texans are proud of their rich multicultural heritage and you can feel that energy when you meet a Texan. We could learn a few things about patriotism.

Why can’t American’s be as proud of being American like Texans are proud of being Texan? Putin, Medvedev, the Chinese Combo Platter and corporate media would have a royal cow if that ever happened. A Perry presidency would stimulate American growth with proven methodology successfully used in Texas and possibly a rebirth of some national pride. A Ron Paul presidency would offer a similar agenda, there is no question. That would be a real hot All American ticket “Perry & Paul”. Now that would throw a monkey wrench into the globalization/colonization works to have this duo in the White House. Hmm, small wonder they don’t have the media’s eye. To bad since it would be cool to have a sign that reads, “Don’t Mess with the U.S.” at the port of entry. I would not have to worry about being harassed for flying the flag either.

Gingrich should have been tossed in jail for the millions he received from all his shady dealings with Freddie, Fannie and the housing scammers. Then there is *Romney whose staff spent over $100,000 burying his dismal track record from public scrutiny. The Barack Obama Presidency has become “The Never-Ending Train Wreck” earning him the title; “Prevaricator Extraordinaire” with his campaign rhetoric and ultimately campaign lies since he stabbed everyone in the back who voted for him, including me. He might get another Nobel Peace Prize for Lying though. Sadly he is turning the blade in the backs of the public he has betrayed as we speak, with a smile. The three corporate shills, Newt, Barack and Mitt are the obvious media darlings and our enemies love this fetid selection.

Can you trust polls and surveys? Not a chance, since many polls are funded by the very corporations who are buying this presidency. If you paid attention you would already realize polls usually have conveniently good numbers when a controversial bill or legislation is about to be passed or a politician needs a boost in popularity. At least polling numbers are a better distraction than bombing aspirin factories in Africa. One thing you can say about Newt, Barack and Mitt, they know how to spin a yarn and work the crowd with a disarming smile while robbing you blind. Charismatic speeches don’t make a president, a resume’ with a track record of accomplishments does and that’s what people should be looking at when choosing the President of the United States of America.

As for the other candidates, I like Rick Perry and Ron Paul catches my interest since they are pro America and have successful track records of public service and achievements, with nothing to hide. Granted Perry has a few issues I don’t agree with but don’t they all? Michele Bachmann is a nice lady and means well, but… The other potential candidates don’t interest me either way but maybe in the future they will and we still have plenty of time before votes are cast. But the three stooges, Newt, Barack and Mitt are well documented for their failures, deceptions, inconsistencies and do not deserve to be in the White House. Newt should be in prison and the other two bozos should be in therapy. They don’t even belong in the valet parking garage. OK, OK, OK, what about the Donald, Hillary or Sarah? No, No and No! Just plain no, and I reserve comment while biting a hole in my tongue. To bad Russell Means is not running. That would be bitchen.

In the long run it probably will not matter much who gets the top job in the country since corporate corruption is so rampant worldwide. But I’ll still run down to the ballot box and make my choice provided my voting center is still around, earth changes you know. At the rate this country and the earth are decomposing this may very well be the last election. But I still think it’s odd that Russia, China and the mainstream media vehemently sided against Rick Perry of all candidates. What an endorsement to be hated by Russia, China and the corporate media though. We should already know by now that what’s good for Russia and China is absolutely bad for the US since nothing has really changed since the fall of the Soviet Union other than the US being infiltrated by spies and deep cover agents from our enemies. Socialist Eurocrates did not care much for the US either when it comes down to it. It’s that democracy and freedom of speech thing that pisses them off. To bad the mainstream media has chosen to side with those against the American people.

Bottom line; if the earth is still in any shape for an election I will do my homework and make the best selection possible in my eyes when I enter the ballot box. Voting is one of the few rights where we still have a voice and if we don’t use it we will loose it. One thing is for sure, I will not take any candidate for his/her word since talk is cheap and I learned my lesson last election, no thanks to Barry Sotoro or whatever his name is these days. Rather, I will go with track record and achievement’s like an employer does with job applicants. After all, government is supposed to work for us.


Your Devil’s Advocate

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Full List - The Best Blogs of 2011 - TIME

Full List - The Best Blogs of 2011 - TIME,29569,2075431,

The Best Blogs of 2011. Our annual blog extravaganza features 25 fresh picks, from politics and pop culture to travel, tech and beyond ...

Monday, October 31, 2011

Robert Looks Twice, Vote President

Treaty rights, and the sovereignty of not only indigenous peoples but the flora and fauna of land and sea that have a right to autonomy as well.

-Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually Elder
Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island

Buffy Sainte-Marie, Children of Native America, I Bet My Heart on You: Video-Lyrics

Buffy Sainte-Marie, Children of Native America, I Bet My Heart on You: Video-Lyrics

via Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Sainte-Marie
During the five years that I spent on Sesame Street, I tried to convey in the Native American episodes one message above all: Indians Exist. We are alive and real. We have fun, friends, families, and a whole lot to contribute to the rest of the world through our reality

Children of Native America
Native American children, like all children, are not only their cultures. Even kids from the most traditional Native backgrounds have much in common with all other children: they have families, they grow and change every day, they love and work and play.

via Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Sainte-Marie
I Bet My Heart on You from Running for the Drum

I Bet My Heart on You: Video-Lyrics
I Bet My Heart on You from Running for the Drum I love the loving look that’s on your face I love the loving things you do And if they ever have a loving race I bet my heart on you
October 31, 2011
Categories: Entertainment, Music . Tags: . Author: littlerunningdeer .

Herb Gardens - Ann's Journals Collection

Ann Little Running Deer First page Layout:) Herb Gardens
Jan 13, 2011 – I just found this list of some of the best herbal blogs on Firewe...See More

Green Apples, Green Gardens, Green Homes, Green Is the Word !

A place to share ideas for change and greening of our planet. Hosted by my dear friend Ann Little Running Deer! Won't you join us?
Green Apples, Green Gardens, Green Homes, Green Is the Word !. Greening Our World And Saving Money ! Starting with what we have. No matter how small of a start, taking a first step to better our Lives and our World.. (Gardening & Agriculture)

Comfrey Cottages

I thought it might be fun to start sharing some of my fabulous finds on Fridays I found a lovely homesteading blog:) Lori’s Latest… and Other Tales from the Homestead. I love this banana chip recipe she shared! Yum! I adore banana chips but never had a great recipe before:) Commo

Make No Bones About It, I see evolution gonna happen on the Mother Earth.- Floyd Red Crow Westerman, 1980

Ann's Journals CollectionAnn Little Running Deer shared “Make No Bones About It.”‘s photo. Voices from the Red Road “We have values to live by that we can share with you. Because soon, we’ll all have to live different. We realize and we’d like you Americans to see that America is

Buffalohair, The Earth Counts Coup While the Greedy Counts Their Gold

The Earth Counts Coup While the Greedy Counts Their Gold

It was said that a drowning man would reach for the hand of the Devil himself in desperation. It was also said a rich man would die in his sleep from starvation while using a sack of pinto beans as a pillow. These phrases are metaphorical and ‘signs’ verifying the time of change. Living with many visions it is clear as the schnozzola on my face we have entered a more virulent phase of earth changes. Prophecies from a myriad of dogmas and ideological principles are coming to pass and getting harder to pass off as coincidences but all we care about is the stock market and the corporate bottom line. How far beyond stupid is that?
Predictable, tyranny has gone global as corrupt bankers and political conscripts lay the ground work for the New World Order. Austerity is nothing more than the loss of a nation’s sovereignty as non elected foreigners suspend constitutions and lay financial siege on its citizens. Ironically Greece was the first nation to taste the loss of its democracy through the unscrupularity of shy lark bankers and treasonous politicians. It is inevitable democracy will die around the world as criminals disguised as politicians vey for the fabled New World Order. Criminality at it’s best as bankers get away with murder while the public pays for the sins of corporate thugs. Occupy Wall Street has many faces regardless of how the mainstream media tries to paint them. It’s the people of the world verses corruption and bogus politicians plain and simple.

It is Disaster Capitalism at its best as the one world government comes into being. The streets of every city on the planet will be painted with the blood of betrayed citizens. Prisons will fill to capacity as their civil liberties are striped and replaced with corporate friendly regulations that replace constitutions. Funny part is; this is also prophecy coming to pass as the greedy race for the cash at the expense of the oblivious populations of the world. Russia and China are also headed down the path of their own demise as corrupt leaders welcome the New World Order for communism has been replaced with fascism, better known as corporatism. Benito Mussolini would be proud since it was he who coined the phrase;

“Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power”

Literally a hand full of trillionaires have accomplished what bombs and bullets could not achieve; the financial takeover of the world. Nations are already being relegated to economic zones or unions and all people are concerned with is borrowing enough money to by a stupid iPad. Truly, civil society has disappeared and citizens no longer exist for they are called consumers now. The greedy are counting their ill gotten gains as millions of people continue to lose their homes and way of life. It’s all about the money paisan and that’s the bottom line. Sadly all good things must come to an end and this race for the cash will eventually come to a crashing halt as Ma Earth flexes her muscle. Prophetically speaking; money will become useless and technology will be mankind’s Achilles tendon as natural events unfold, coincidentally of course.

No place on earth will be spared from the wrath of Ma Earth and mankind will be humbled to the point of submission. It happened before and it’s about to happen again. There is no amount of gold that will alter this destiny, not even the elitist’s secret liaison with some stellar boneheads. Personally I think these creeps live underground. The Vatican also paved the way for the introduction of celestial life forms in recent weeks so don’t be surprised when nations proclaim the existence of so called benevolent beings. Personally, I believe these fetid beings are the proverbial anti-Christ writhe with false prophets. Just look at who these space dorks hang out with, carbon based lowlifes who’ve killed in the name of G*D and used religion to control the masses throughout the ages.

From a paranormal perspective; there are many beings here that are poised to make their presence known. Some are the buttheads who lead this civilization astray several thousand years ago and shared technology that murdered millions of people. There are others who truly walk in a good way and are here for the sake of humanity for the stage is set. Apparently they are here to kick some celestial ass when these butt-cracks from space make their move on this planet with the help of their earthly counter parts. Sounds far fetched eh, but you should see my visions for they reveal events I still have no words for. I just hope the batteries in my camera are charged since there will be one heck of a light show when the proverbial crappola hits the fan in the sky. In fact, there are many light shows in store for us to gawk at in the future. Hopefully I don’t get zapped by a blasted space Frisbee, asteroid or an incontinent buzzard.

Man’s race for the cash will be a futile gesture at the very least as people freak out over the true realities of our existence. The dork’s the elitists and secret societies are privy to are G*DLESS beings and walk a dark path. I am glad their bony asses will be in the wind and there is no way I will accept them as G*D’S or anything other than stellar douche bags. There is nothing benevolent about them or the people they are exclusive to. We are in for some wild times at Ridgemont High boys and girls and we all have a front row seat. My brother Rayburn and I have our lawn chairs at the ready and we will kick back on our rez and watch the show from our patio. That reminds me, I better stock up on Tanka Bars, Cracklings and Arizona Ice tea. I don’t want to miss out on the end of the world because I had to go to the 7-11 for more victuals, I hate that.

Prophecy spells redemption and release from bondage because there is a happy ending and not the end of the world like so many people believes this to be. Hmm, maybe it will be the end of the world for some folks but for us indigenous types it’s the rebirth of humanity as this scurrilous cycle comes to a close. Granted I’ll have to break out my mukluks and seal skin coat for the Ice Age is just around the corner boy’s and girls. After a few glaciers scrub man’s fetid existence off the face of the planet Ma Earth will be good to go until man screws things up again. And I’ll bet those trillionaires will starve to death in their sleep using a sack of pinto beans as a pillow. But in the meantime we will watch as mankind rushes for the gold at the expense of others. Like thieves in the night Ma Earth is counting coup and she is picking up the pace so be prepared and have a back pack ready for it might contain the last vestiges of modern society.

If you actually read your sacred books and paid attention, regardless of dogma, you would already know man’s reign of tyranny and greed is just about over for the ‘signs’ are everywhere to behold. Like the old adage goes; “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth” so there is a happy ending to the earth changes after all. I look forward to it since man is completely powerless to stem this tide of greed and lies. Ma Earth is going to kick some major ass so be prepared. And if you paid attention to your sacred books you would already be hooked up with some very cool spirit but that’s another story paisan, capice?

Your Devil’s Advocate

Monday, October 17, 2011

Buffalohair, Incalculable Loss, Elouise Pepion Cobell Continues Her Journey at 65

Incalculable Loss, Elouise Pepion Cobell Continues Her Journey at 65

There is a great void in the hearts within the Native America communities across America because Elouise Cobell has taken her journey Sunday evening Oct 16th 2011. She lost her battle with cancer and she will be sorely missed for her shoes will be all but impossible to fill. Truly a warrior woman who stood her ground against the US Government for all of us within the Native America world. I am still with few words from this heartbreaking turn of events.

In the landmark case, *Cobell v Salazar, she won back $3.4 Billion, a portion of the money that was squandered by the US Government officials and greedy corporations who stripped native land of natural resources for over a 100 years. Like David and Goliath she faced off the federal machine with fervor and determination in what was considered a lost cause, the Indian Trust Fund. It was estimated the US government and corrupt corporations owned this fund hundreds of billions of dollars with no desire to pay back a penny even though they made trillions and trillions of dollars over the years. What was taken from the Native American communities was the wealth that built empires and corporations today.

There was no excuse for Native communities to live in abject poverty over the years other than pure greed and total disregard of human life. It was just another broken treaty, just another pack of lies with years of human suffering and abject poverty for the indigenous people across America. Though the award actually did not even cover the interest on what was actually owed the tribes of America it was better than nothing and we (Native American’s) owe a debt of gratitude to this Blackfeet woman for her efforts to regain some dignity in light of this colossal miscarriage of justice that was perpetrated over the years by the US Government.

Some folks call it Indian welfare when nothing could be further from the truth since this was a deal struck long ago by the government on behalf of corporate thugs. Ironically they are the ancestors of the thugs who are profiteering on misery today. The Indian Trust Fund was a legitimate contract or treaty where corporate interests would award tribes monies for the use of our tribal land and for the gleaning of natural resources. Like any business deal this money was not welfare but payment plain and simple. If the government kept its deal or word with Native America we would not be suffering and living in third world conditions today. The resources that were taken from tribes included but not limited to gold, oil/gas, uranium, coal, silver, copper, water, land and a host of other natural resources that garnered hundreds of trillions of dollars to corporations and built America into the superpower it is today. Elouise Cobell is truly a champion beyond words and will be sorely missed by us all for her efforts and she will be remembered in our oral history.

Hu Ho

Elouise Cobell and the Indian Trust Fund Case
Elouise P. Cobell bio;
Your Devil’s Advocate

Friday, September 9, 2011

Nancy's Play List:) Being Playful here! Hey, it is a good one!

Wanna hear the unusual variety of tunes that make me happy?
This playlist has the songs Follow Me by John Denver, Sunshine On My Shoulders by John Denver, River by Sarah Mclachlan, Don’t Laugh At Me by Peter, Paul, and Mary, Moonshadow by Cat Stevens, and more. Make your own playlist at

Why Do You Blog? Promoting? Important People Stories that Need to be Told? Humor? Scrapbook of Ideas on line? A Live Personal Story Board?

Why Do You Blog? | Little Box Of Ideas › HomeOpinionCached
Aug 31, 2010 – Do you blog for money or to feed your soul? How did you start? What is your story? Here is my story of how I got started with both my blogs.

What is Blogging? Why do People Blog EVERYTHING?
Why do People Blog EVERYTHING? Posted on February 27, 2010 by max. Share. When I first started blogging, it was essentially an online “diary” where you

 RSS Ann Surprise

Ann’s paintings
my painting White faced Calf

My mixed medium Zebra

A painting by me called The Wave:)

  • posted by Jen at Haute Whimsy – 9 hours ago

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  • posted by Buffy at Buffy Sainte-Marie – 2 days ago

    From country to funk: Calgary Folk Festival announces lineup for 2011 Start planning your summer, particularly July 21-24 for this year’s Calgary Folk Music Festival! 68 artists including Bonnie “Prince” B…

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Friday, September 2, 2011

RD About

RD About

Glimpse’s of My Life Through My Mind’s View Finder

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Born on the North West Coast of the US. I am use to Snow Capped Mountains, beautiful Forests, wild flowers on wild Rivers. The once wild foods, berries of the area and the beloved Salmon.

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I could look out across the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean. I could look in land at the Snow Capped Mountains.
I watched the Hawks and Eagles soaring in the clean pure blue skies. Enjoyed the thrill of the first crys of the Geese in Spring and Winter. As thousands of flocks in v formation made their dramatic way North or South each season.

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Loving the show of the Northern Lights dancing across the skies.
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Hearing the howl of the wolf packs. Hearing them pausing at the tent flap at night, as they listened in on you.
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Finding you were being tracked by curious Mountain Lions in the snow when crossing back over the trails and seeing their foot prints behind yours.
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Seeing huge bear tracks just filling in with water on the trail and the hair standing up on the back of your neck realizing he/she is right next to you in the brush.
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  1. You are in a less tailed area and suddenly a low growling starts coming from one of the logs! You stop look and then retreat the way you came into the area. What animal was it? What has a deep growl like that? A Badger? A Wolverine? You would think from others stories, that a Wolverine would wildly come out to attack you. But stories are not always a normal fact set in stone! You were not going to stay around to find out! Just thank them via your mind for their warning and camly leave them in peace.
  2. You were sitting in a quiet wooded area on a low log. Singing to the birds and animals that have quietly come to listen. When you stop singing, you then hear childrens voices coming from beyond some evergreen trees. You slowly and softly get up from the log and move quietly to the trees and look through their branches.
    There before you is a small group of deer talking to each other! One stops talking and stares directly at you and then they all turn their heads to see what it is. They are in shock to see you but are like frozen statues, not making a sound.
    You move back out of the trees. Then you hear them leap away
    through the woods. I had only hear them make grunts, clicks and meowing sounds before. Sounding like children’s voices in a different language was something new to me!
    Wow! It was one of those special days! I always wished I had a movie camera with sound, to have captured all these memories. But I only have the snap shots and sounds still in my mind.