Saturday, April 28, 2012

Beautiful Art Work, Interviews, Filmed By Buffalohair at Sitagu Buddhist Vihara Shwezigon Pagoda Project

Ann LRD on April 27th, 2012
Buffalohair Gazette International
Sitt Nyein Aye, His Journey to Sitagu Buddhist Vihara Shwezigon Pagoda Project. Posted in Asia with tags Artist, austin, Aye, buddhist, Burma, Myanmar, Nyein,
Sitt Nyein Aye, His Journey to Sitagu Buddhist Vihara Shwezigon Pagoda Project
Posted in Asia with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on April 27, 2012 by Buffalohair
Published on Apr 27, 2012 by
Sitt Nyein Aye is truly a trailblazer in the art world. Top of his class with honors in Burma he also was a rebel. He earned his place in art history since he ventured where no other artists ventured before, the modern art scene. Granted, the socialist government was not to pleased. In the dark days of 1988 he moved to India. Though he would have lived most comfortably in India he chose to give his earnings to pro democracy groups around the world in support of their valiant struggle. After living in India for 20 years he recently migrated to America and destiny.Humanity is in his blood since he is dedicating his time and skills to the Shwezigon Pagoda and Meditation Center Project. Eventually he will pursue his dream and open an art school for Burmese and non Burmese artisans who yearn to learn from a true master. And he could not have chosen a better place to establish himself in the art scene, Austin Texas.Please note that the quality of his art work presented on this video does not do him justice. But there will be more interviews and videos in the future as this creative genius evolves in the great state of Texas. And I’ll be there to capture his achievements on film and print.

Google+ Buffalohair

Struggle of Burmese artist Sitt Nyein Aye: Part-2 – YouTube
Uploaded by mizzimanewsTV on Jun 7, 2010

Let me try to translate in short:- It’s about  his life and struggle to become one of the most popular Artist in the country. With little finance support he never gave up his loves and fascination toward modern art and managed to study work of art for eight years! His dedication finally brought him to be recorded as a successful artist in Mandalay-Abhi-Dan (burmese version of guinness record). Let’s wait to the third part on how he has actively engaged against tyranny!
  1. Struggle of Burmese artist Sitt Nyein Aye: Part-I – YouTube 28, 2010 – 5 min – Uploaded by mizzimanewsTV
    Struggle of Burmese artist Sitt Nyein Aye: Part-I

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  2. Sitt Nyein Aye: Burmese Artist in New Delhi – YouTube 4, 2011 – 18 min – Uploaded by irrawaddynews
    Sitt Nyein Aye: Burmese Artist in New Delhi

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  3. Struggle of Burmese artist Sitt Nyein Aye: Part-2 – YouTube 7, 2010 – 7 min – Uploaded by mizzimanewsTV
    Struggle of Burmese artist Sitt Nyein Aye: Part-2 Sitt Nyein Aye: Burmese Artist in New Delhiby

  4. Sitt Nyein Aye, His Journey to Sitagu Buddhist Vihara Youtube day ago – 5 min – Uploaded by Buffalohair

    Sitt Nyein Aye is truly a trailblazer in the art

  5. Beautiful Art Work, Interviews, Filmed By Buffalohair at Sitagu…/beautiful-art-work-interviews-filmed-by-bu…
    14 minutes ago – Sitt Nyein Aye: Burmese Artist in New Delhi – YouTube. Uploaded by Struggle of Burmese artist Sitt Nyein Aye: Part-2 – YouTube. Uploaded
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A scale model of the completed Shwe Zi Gon Pagoda.
Shwe Zi Gon Pagoda replica 1/3 the size of the original structure back in Burma. It is truly a masterpiece with loving care for every detail.
  • Be sure to Watch this Film to the end 7:50 , to the Music with Photo clips of the Artists Work!
Posted in America’s with tags buddhist, Burma, Myanmar, pagoda, shwezigon, sitagu, u win maung, vihara on April 25, 2012 by Buffalohair

Ashin Cintita Discusses Progress Being Made At Sitagu Buddhist Vihara (English)

Posted in America’s with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on April 24, 2012 by Buffalohair
Burmese master craftsmen duplicate statues from the original Pagoda in Burma to 1/3 scale. This is the finished clay die before its placed in the kiln. Then the die will be used for the rubber molds used to cast the many statues that will adorn the Pagoda at Sitagu. Hand craftsmanship at its finest. By western standards this would be a multi-million dollar project, just for the art and sculpting work involved, not including the meditation area, buildings, library, reflection pond and the pagoda. The artists came from Burma simply for the sake of accomplishing something for their faith and their people. The west could learn something about true giving from this crew of dedicated Buddhist craftsmen for it’s not all about the money.

Ashin Ariyadhamma Discusses Shwe Zi Gon Pagoda Construction in Austin Texas

Posted in America’s with tags , , , , , , , , on April 24, 2012 by Buffalohair
U Win Maung over seeing crew of master craftsmen here at the Sitagu Vinhara. I was surrounded by greatness. These guys are totally awesome and an example of what Burma is capable of if they choose to do so. There is a twinkle of hope for the future I do believe…
visible to public
Awe inspiring
Ashin Ariyadhamma and moi at Sitagu Buddhist Vihara
Ashin Ariyadhamma and Buffalohair

Sitt Nyein Aye, His Journey to Sitagu Buddhist Vihara Shwezigon Pagoda Project

Posted in Asia with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on April 27, 2012 by Buffalohair
Published on Apr 27, 2012 by
Sitt Nyein Aye is truly a trailblazer in the art world. Top of his class with honors in Burma he also was a rebel. He earned his place in art history since he ventured where no other artists ventured before, the modern art scene. Granted, the socialist government was not to pleased. In the dark days of 1988 he moved to India. Though he would have lived most comfortably in India he chose to give his earnings to pro democracy groups around the world in support of their valiant struggle. After living in India for 20 years he recently migrated to America and destiny.
Humanity is in his blood since he is dedicating his time and skills to the Shwezigon Pagoda and Meditation Center Project. Eventually he will pursue his dream and open an art school for Burmese and non Burmese artisans who yearn to learn from a true master. And he could not have chosen a better place to establish himself in the art scene, Austin Texas.
Please note that the quality of his art work presented on this video does not do him justice. But there will be more interviews and videos in the future as this creative genius evolves in the great state of Texas. And I’ll be there to capture his achievements on film and print.
For more information:
Sitagu Buddhist Vihara
Ashin Ariyadhamma
9002 Honeycomb Dr.
Austin, Texas, 78737 USA
PH: 512 301 3968

Sitagu Buddhist Vihara on FaceBook

Posted by littlerunningdeer on April 29, 2012 at 1:22 am
Filed under Art, Buffalohair-Jage Press, Burma, Causes, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Film maker/ movies, Religion/ Beliefs, The Now  |  Tags:  | 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Buffalohair, Earth Change Round-up

Earth Change Round-up

From all corners of the planet change is upon us. Prophecies are coming to pass on such a grand scale it is no longer a question of IF change will come but where these changes will fester next. From the physical plane to the spiritual one, all of humanity is under siege and like a prophetic ancient writing cautioned; “Those days will come like a thief in the night”. Hmm, do you hear someone rummaging through your underwear drawer?

Some people aware of this change are just terrified to pieces about the ground cracking open plunging them into the molten earth’s core. It does not take rocket science to realize it is not the end of the world but simply the end of a cycle. People should hold their milk and pay attention rather than freak out pee all over themselves. Ancestors from all cultures gave ample warning to their descendants about the times we live so it should be of no surprise. Dogmas and ideological principles far and wide described events and how to survive them for millennia’s. You would think after eons of common daily knowledge of the supernatural we would have a clue how to act in the 21st century. It is not the end of the world and humanity by any means. Did I say humanity? Humanity is just an inconvenient and archaic ideology with no place in our pseudo civil society. Is that to harsh?

Though some folks are addressing the physical aspects of change all too many people are not addressing the intangible facets of change. Call it the paranormal, supernatural or spiritual but this side of change is already counting coup on mankind no matter what you call it. Spirits from all dogmas both good and bad did not simply disappear whence we entered this modern technological age; they are major players as we speak. With little or no regard for the paranormal earthlings are going off the deep end in all quarters of this primitive society, influenced by voices in their pointed little heads. Whether voices come from bonehead space dudes, spirit entities or the guidance from a shiny orb named Dan they like to pull your chain and press those buttons. “Peel the skin off that herp second shift supervisor, you can do it”. I think that’s against the law. I’d tell the voice to get screwed and do it himself if he was such a ‘Barney Bad Ass’. Just don’t let anyone see you chatting away, all alone in a vacant parking lot or something. It will be The Lithium Lane Rubber Room for you. Telepathy is the ticket. And don’t wave your arms around in the air either, gads.

Those pesky little voices urge folks to kill their families, friends and anyone else, just because you can. Guess they tell you to do other rotten stuff to do with people who just piss you the right the f— off! But that’s all that comes to mind, hmm. Take another Prozac pop another miracle pill and it will all go away but eventually the voices do return with a vengeance. Spirits from evil are the culprits in most cases where voices are involved. There is no real concern for spirits or their influence so we think these evil thoughts are our own. Well, maybe not all of them anyway. People consider the concept of spirits poppycock and are prime targets for naughty spirits who coerce them to do just about anything. We all deal with all these chatty goons everyday but not to extremes, for the most part but that statistic is changing.

How can anyone proclaim they believe the doctrines of their dogma if they do not accept the fact spirits exist? Surely they read tales about spirits and their influences on man. Where would Moses be if he did not speak to a good spirit, Egypt? You can’t have it both ways homeboy/girl. Either you realize spirits exist within your dogma and tradition or you walk in oblivion and are like a babe in the woods in the grand scheme of things. You can be born again, meditate or sacrifice a goat on a bitchen altar a dude from the Islands made you. But you will be wasting your time if it’s not real. That part is up to you mon. Just remember; your fate is in your hands alone. No pressure here.

You must walk your talk not just ramble scriptures or sacred texts to wow your friend and impress Rabbi Schwartzmann. The only person you are fooling is yourself and bad spirits will be cheering you on all the way to your destruction. At least you’ll have a fan club. Just think, If you commit a juicy act of butchery that makes the front page of The New York Times you’ll have your 15 minutes of fame so I guess it all works out. If there is a transit strike, forget about it because you’ll be lucky if you make a sidebar on the back page. Timing is everything, err does that apply here? But I doubt you’ll get a reality show out of the deal. You would have to be on after Jimmy Fallon anyway. I’ll go off the deep end if networks screw wth the late night line up again. Then again you might find a home in commercial advertising endorsing GMO Franken-Food, Zyklon B. or Agent Orange garden supplies on one of those spam TV channels no one watches unless you forgot to pay the cable.

How many more blood spattered news stories where a person hacks their kids to pieces or other egregious crimes must be committed before we realize spirits are actually to blame? Good religious people with no criminal or psychosis issues are cracking up and coming loose at the seams because voices drove them over the edge. Spiritually unprepared people from all walks of life are going bananas and this is only the beginning. Take a long hard look at the world. It should be as plain as the nose on your face we are spinning out of control mentally and morally. And yes, this is part of prophecy and a major sign of the times we live. Oh well, ‘when you snooze you loose’ and society is asleep at the wheel or simply chooses to ignore the obvious. How far beyond stupid is that?

Like it or not people from all walks of life and education levels are putty in the hands of spirits who declared war on humanity. Sounds far fetched? Well if you actually paid attention to your respective dogma you would know the spirit world is alive and well and this assault on humanity is a part of religious teachings and prophecy. Though we face turbulent times on a physical level it is the spiritual level that will ultimately strike a fatal blow to the unaware no matter how much survival gear they posses. You don’t have to be a native, psychic or visionary to see and hear spirit. Ask the guy who just ate someone’s liver because a voice in his pea brain thought it would be a wonderful culinary adventure. I would hope onions came with that order, that’s if you like liver of course. The spirit world is interfacing on this plain of existence with a vengeance these days. Granted, spirits have been around since time immemorial. Now modern man is blind as a bat to this part of our reality and with fatal consequences. If people practiced what they preached none of this would be an issue since all dogmas warn of evil spirits, or did you miss that part. Umm, I think it’s on page one.

I don’t really worry about tornados, earthquakes or meteor smashing into the earth as much as the consequences from the spirit world. “Who is going to crack up next?” is more my concern. What if a butcher decides to cut costs and uses wino meat or something? “Why does my pork chop smell like cheap Chianti?” Random acts of insanity and violence are on the rise and not from small time crooks and professional bad guys like we conveniently choose to believe. They work for cash not for shear pleasure or impulse. It’s strictly business, nothing personal paisan, capice? An airline pilot lost his mind in-flight and fortunately he did not plunge the jet into a nosedive before he went bonkers. A nurse whacked a mom and took her new born child? The list continues to grow as mindless mayhem spreads throughout a sickened society. Who in a position of trust will be next to loose their mind? They are the prime targets of evil spirits if they don’t have a handle on the spirit world. Many people are already walking a fine line and admit they are loosing their grip on sanity. Expect anything and you will still be surprised.

Gads, flight attendants are loosing their sanity all the time these days and it’s only a matter of time before this phenomena gleans fatal results. The point being, it’s not just the average schmoe who is privy to evil entities but people from all quarters of society and some like it and like it a lot. Awareness of the spirit world by everyone is not in the best interests of some exclusive elitists groups who horde this truth in a veil of secrecy. If everyone embraced a relationship with the spirit world they would know good spirits from bad and truth from lies. There are no secrets within the confines of the spirit world and man’s indiscretions are known to all, like farting in an elevator with only one other person onboard.  

If you paid attention to your sacred texts you would be aware we entered the era of false prophet and we are getting primed for that revelation. I will probably be eating fry-bread and watching early SG-1 reruns with my brother when that day comes but I might tune in during commercials, indeed. My advice to you is; don’t get stupid if some spaz-ship lands in your medical marijuana garden proclaiming they are your G*D because that is just pure bat guano. Screw those so called benevolent space dudes who act like they are ‘all that’. The same goes with spirits rummaging around in your thick skull talking smack. Don’t let your fear influence you to pay homage to some entity that floats through your garage door or gives free colonoscopies either. I don’t know about you but my G*D does not need an iron Frisbee to buzz around the universe and his chums don’t play grab ass either.

But if you truly had a spiritual connection you would already know the score and this would be yesterdays news in todays cat box.. There are good entities that are poised to expose these charlatans of deception and give you a hand if you are listening. It’s written within the pages of your dogma or what ever floats your spiritual canoe. Just so you know, there is a happy ending but it will be a while since we only began the downward spiral. The trick to survival lays within your personal spiritual connection. One more thing, no matter how you believe you MUST have absolute faith in the doctrine you purport to embrace. It’s not the end of the world but the beginning of a new cycle. The long and the short of it is; if you have a true spiritual relationship within your dogma no voice will convince you to do something stupid, especially during this time of change. Maybe if you pay more attention to your sacred books you just might survive.  

Your Devil’s Advocate

© 2012, Buffalohair Productions. All rights reserved.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stop Stealing Navajo and Hopi nations Water! U.S. Senate: Remove S.2109

Stop Stealing Navajo and Hopi nations Water! U.S. Senate: Remove S.2109

Roger Cultee
Yesterday via
hi Carlos, thought you needed to see this & pass it around.
U.S. Senate: Remove S.2109 from consideration – Sign the Petition!
Roger Cultee just signed this petition on
This bill will force the Navajo and Hopi nations to give up all water rights to the Peabody Coal Mining Company and the Salt River Project and other owners of the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) in exchange for no…
Sign the Petition · via

Kyl, McCain meet with leaders amidst protests
President Ben Shelly, Vice President Rex Lee Jim and 13 Council delegates met April 5 with Arizona Republican senators Jon Kyl and John McCain to discuss the proposed Navajo-Hopi Little Colorado River Settlement Agreement and the Bennett Freeze area. Outside the conference room of the Hogan Restaurant in Tuba City, where the meeting took place, over 200 protesters from across the Navajo Nation gathered under the gaze of a large police presence to tell those leaders one thing, “Dooda water settlement!”

STOP SB 2109 – Navajo-Hopi Little Colorado River Water Rights Settlement Act of 2012 “-

19 hours ago”

U.S. Senate: Remove S.2109 from consideration

This bill will force the Navajo and Hopi nations to give up all water rights to the Peabody Coal Mining Company and the Salt River Project and other…

Lets see who are the easy ones to steal water from? Where it is okay to polute the waste water that is left over from our projects? Where only people who are not cared about and dumb wild animals we could care less about live? So it would only be for them to drink from ? But  have it done far away from the Public Eye? Ahhh yes here is the idea spot!

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1 Comment on Stop Stealing Navajo and Hopi nations Water! U.S. Senate: Remove S.2109

Ann LRD says:
This is not spam! I am Dine! This comment is aimed toward greener energy solutions! Renewable Recources! Not Peabody! We do not need coal for energy. We have invented solar panels. We have a lot of land. We could produce more power than ever without coal! Read the last part. : )
trumnky in reply to rriverstone1 (Show the comment) 19 hours ago
Posted in American Indian, Buffalohair-Jage Press, Causes, Earth Changes, Fight For Freedom, Health, Hello World, Human Rights, News, Politics, Survival, The Now  |  Tags:  |

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Buffalohair, Burmese Troops Continue Shelling Kachin Positions near Laiza

Burmese Troops Continue Shelling Kachin Positions near Laiza

Predictably Burmese artillery units began shelling the *Kachin Pan Tsun post in northern Bhamo (Manmaw) district. For 10 gruelling hours Kachin Independence Army Battalion 19 faced an intense 120 mm artillery barrage on their position in a futile attempt to retain control of this strategic location before the position fell. They were forced to regroup, but no doubt the Burmese have not heard the last of the fighting Jinghpaw.

The Pan Tsun Post is critical in the protection of Laiza where over 25,000 Internally Displace Kachin refugees are sheltered. Other locations are also experiencing heavy fighting as the war intensifies. Kachin troops are focused on the protection of Laiza and its civilian population. The Bhamo to Loije trade route was ultimately closed because of the intense combat operations in this region. Reports of casualties have not yet been reported by either side.

As **U.S. Senator Jim Webb heads to Washington to propose the lifting of sanctions to reward Burma I must ask; “Reward for what, the ethnic war the military junta of Burma continues to wage against the Jinghpaw people?” If the Kachin fail to hold back the marauding Burmese army the possibility of a humanitarian crisis of epic purporting could very well ensue. The good senator and corporate interests he panders for would undoubtedly have Kachin blood on their hands for this calculated ambivalence. After all, it was the junta that broke the 17 year cease fire agreement 10 months ago and it is the junta who bare full responsibility for continued crimes against humanity in Kachinland. And for this Burma should be rewarded? How far beyond stupid is that, or is it just pure greed?

We must remember Senator Webb was courting Than Shwe and the lifting of sanction long before Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was released from bondage and Insein Prison was still filled to capacity with political prisoners. With over 900 political prisoners remaining in prisons throughout Burma it’s clear nothing has changed since Jim Webb continues to ignore the humanitarian crisis that persists in Kachinland and Burma as a whole. In all reality the mainstream media also share in this profoundly apathetic mindset when it comes to Burma’s policy of eugenics and ethnic cleansing. If and when the Kachin succeeds in retaining their national sovereignty they should tell the whole world to get screwed when it comes to their bountiful resources. But for now my prayers are with the Jinghpaw.



Your Devil’s Advocate

© 2012, Buffalohair Productions. All rights reserved.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Buffalohair, Burmese Troops Prepare to Slaughter 25,000 Kachin Refugees in Laiza

Burmese Troops Prepare to Slaughter 25,000 Kachin Refugees in Laiza

Burmese troops are preparing for an offensive against *Internally Displaced People (IDP) in Laiza. Laiza is the temporary home of over 25,000 Kachin refugees who have fled their homeland as Burmese troops ransacked villages, townships and cities. Scores of human being have been tortured to death, raped and whole villages executed. Now Burma is moving heavy artillery into position to polish off this refugee centre.

120 mm artillery shells containing biological and chemical agents have become common place in Burma’s campaign of ethnic cleansing in Kachinland. Sadly the Tatmadaw uses child soldiers to handle these caustic weapons according to child defectors who’ve been interviewed in recent years. Now these big guns are being strategically positioned for maximum killing power in the Laiza region in this latest act of cowardice. Burmese troops are pouring in by the truck load and its not so they can distribute humanitarian aid in this impoverished region. There is no question innocent civilians will bear the brunt of Burma’s next offensive against the Jinghpaw.

But what puzzles me the most about any news story about the Kachin people is the use of the term ‘rebel’ as if the KIA and KIO were bands of renegade rebels. The reality is the fact Kachinland is a free standing nation governed by the Kachin Independence Organization and protected by the Kachin Independence Army. They always have and they always will but the misconception they are a rag tag fringe group rebels is nothing more than a carefully calculated lie to confuse the oblivious western world. The Burmese government is only trying to sugar-coat a bold faced lie to justify their intrusion into another nation’s sovereign land.

Burmanization is just another word for genocide or ethnic cleansing and nothing more that a military operation conceived by General Than Shwe himself. Women who do not escape advancing Burmese troops face gang rape from upwards of 10 to 30 men or more at an encounter as they ‘plant’ their seed to purify these Kachin women in this act called Burmanization. Sadly this is not an exaggeration for the fetid conduct of Burmese soldiers against ethnic minorities through out Burma reads more like a chapter in a Marque De Sade novel. Rape, torture and disembowelment are very real and used as ‘lessons’ for those who dare to disobey the Tatmadaw. The so called civilian government of  Burma is absolutely powerless to stop this since the Tatmadaw retains absolute control according to the constitution Than Shwe wrote and implemented back in 2008.

Many women are simply raped to death if they are lucky but less fortunate ones are tortured to death slowly by amphetamine filled troops from Burma. But let’s hear another pretty speech about how all is nice in Burma. Captured men and women are used as slaves or porters while male and female children are used as sex toys by perverted officers who take them as personal trophies. And you wonder why the KIA is fighting so hard to protect their people? Though Kachinland is chock full of natural resources it is not the land they are trying to save as much as it is their people. It is clear international corporate interests are hungry for Kachinland’s bountiful resources. It is also clear they are using the military junta of Burma to cleanse the landscape before they ‘develop’ this region whence sanctions are lifted. When the shelling begins in the Laiza region blood will be on the hands of corporate board of directors, the CEO’s and the stock holders as well as the barbaric Tatmadaw.

The Burmese military will not have a free ride since the KIA is already on the move to protect their nation and people. The valiant and courageous KIA finds it problematic at times when combating Burmese soldiers though. Since the cowardly Burmese army uses conscripts to do their bidding, Jinghpaw troops are hard pressed to kill people who are more like calves to slaughter. It is also noted these Burmese soldiers are hopped up on amphetamines. They do some spectacularly stupid feats in the heat of battle that places them in mortal danger from the elite Kachin army. Though the Tatmadaw is silent on the actual body count of their troops a conservative estimate is well into the thousands since Burma first violated the ceasefire last year. The count may be even higher but it is sure to grow as the war rages on. And were is the mainstream media through all this turmoil; reporting about fluffy speeches and boasting about how sanctions should be lifted. How far beyond stupid is that?

The west is not alone in the quagmire of contradictions and lies when facing the Kachin crisis. Another potential benefactor eager to control Kachinland’s rare earth minerals and resources is China. But within the Chinese Communist Party lurks a vast division between corporate oligarchists and true communist leaders who retain ancient alliances with the Kachin. It is this division that keeps China from assisting the Burmese government in this exercise in eugenics. In fact there are millions of Chinese who claim alliances with the Jinghpaw and there is no doubt if the oligarchist faction were to do away with the Kachin there would be major internal conflict within the C.C.P. itself. Being that China is on the verge of revolution already they don’t need to add wood to the fire. The divisions run deep within the military and other circles of influence within the red dragon of China when it comes to the Kachin.

Don’t think for one minute this division would help the west in any way since both sides within the C.C.P. are united in their disdain for the US and the west. The west has everything to loose if they continue to side with the criminal regime and their war on the Kachin and China has everything to gain if they do. The ideal outcome of this conflict would be to honour Kachinland’s borders and their sovereignty recognized by Burma, the west and the east. Only then will peace come to this war ravaged region since the Kachin are not going to back down anytime soon. Kachinland is a free standing nation and no corporate interests will prevail in this rush for her natural resources no matter how many civilians are murdered in Laiza or anywhere else in Kachinland. One day the world will regret they turned their backs on Kachinland. On the contrary I will be sipping tea with friends and family in Myitkyina.


Your Devil’s Advocate

© 2012, Buffalohair Productions. All rights reserved.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Buffalohair, Burmas Secret War the Corporate World Wants to Keep Quiet

Burma’s Secret War the Corporate World Wants to Keep Quiet

As the world celebrates Suu Kyi’s landslide victory (again), sanctions are already being lifted as if all is well within Burma’s borders. Sadly nothing could be further from the truth as ethnic cleansing and wholesale genocide continues unabated in Kachinland. It is a hoax and a bold faced lie that Burma is moving in the right direction but it’s a nice piece of theatrics for those who enjoy melodramatic fiction. Ask a Kachin and they will tell you their nation is under siege as the world ignores rape, murder and wholesale genocide. And sadly, Suu Kyi remains Burma’s most beautiful hostage.

Though the Kachin or Jinghpaw people are all alone in the world fighting for their very existence, valiant soldiers continue to counting coup against insurmountable odds against the fetid Burmese Army. Most recently a team of *KIA troops along with volunteers from the Peoples Army captured and destroyed a critically strategic check point at Pangsai (Kyukok) in Shan State. Unfortunately this crucial victory as well as the growing numbers of internally displaced Kachin people has gone under the radar of the mainstream media globally. The use of chemical and biological weapons against Kachin civilians has also become non issue since the world remains oblivious.

The realities of Burma’s ethnic cleaning operation continue to elude the press it would appear. But after some research it is clear as to why crimes against humanity being committed in Kachinland go underreported or ignored entirely. The parent companies of many western and international news groups have been and continue to be invested in Burma. Just remember that major corporations from throughout the world have always been in Burma siphoning off trillions of dollars in profits from natural resources while lining the pockets of corrupt dictators from Ne Win to Than Shwe. Sanctions, what sanctions for they were ignored in the most elaborate money laundering operation in the world.

The real purpose in forming this sham civilian government was to sugar-coat existing corporations who violated impotent sanctions in the first place. Now that modern technology is starving for rare earth minerals, uranium, gold and other precious commodities Kachinland is prime real-estate since its rich with these natural resources and more. Another fetid reality of the war in Kachinland is that corporate interests of the free world are allowing Burma to do their dirty work in eliminating the Jinghpaw people from this cornucopia of resources. Rather than face public scrutiny, especially during election time, they are buying politicians who favour  global expansionism for the sake of investors and the corporate bottom line, much like they are doing in South America and Africa. Sadly their hands are red with Kachin blood in spite of their triangulated support of Kachin genocide through the puppet regime of Thein Sein.

Woefully underestimated by the western world, the Kachin Independence Army is a disciplined, articulate and well oiled fighting machine. Their legendary military prowess saved thousands of allied lives in the Second World War, or did you forget that part? It is said that one Kachin soldier is equal to 1,000 Burmese soldiers. But in all reality I would double or triple this calculation for they are achieving the impossible in spite of the junta’s use of aircraft, biological & chemical weapons and all the advance technology that is at their disposal. This is more likened to David and Goliath for this conflict is of biblical proportions. And it is though absolute faith within their Christian faith they are achieving the impossible. Miracles upon miracles continue to make themselves known as the legions of greed and evil continue to be defeated in one bloody battle after another. In one instance the KIA ceased fire on inept Burmese soldiers who were obviously forced to do battle with the elite Kachin forces. The Kachin simply could not ethically fire on children who were forced to the front lines by cowardly elder Burmese troops. Many Burmese soldiers don’t share the concept of honour and valour and continue to rape and murder unarmed women and children when given the chance.

One Jinghpaw told me of how all Kachin soldiers realize they are facing certain death with overwhelming odds against them every time they go on a mission. Rather than instilling fear from this reality they find more raw courage and determination because they are fighting for their very existence and not just a chunk of real-estate. From their beloved general on down the fresh recruits they march with their iron clad belief system and it is proving to be the Kachin’s ultimate secret weapon. I’ve always contended that absolute faith within one’s dogma is the key to survival and the KIA is a perfect example of this axiom.

As the secret war in Kachinland becomes known around the world people from all nations are shocked that this struggle has gone so long without mainstream notoriety. It is not the people of these nations who do not care about the Kachin; it’s the corporate owned media who are ham-strung and disallowed from giving equal coverage of crimes against humanity that are being perpetrated on innocent human beings in Burma and Kachinland to this day. Already, the Kachin are finding more and more allies globally. People are asking questions about their politicians who seem oblivious to the cries of the Kachin people. Are these politicians in collusion with fetid and morally bankrupt corporations who are vested in the slaughter of the Kachin people? Just follow the money.

In any event Burma’s secret war against the Kachin people is no longer a secret as more people become aware of the atrocities being committed. Though Suu Kyi stole the headlines by winning yet another election it is clear there will be questions asked about why the Kachin issue is not being addressed. Why is it OK to ignore the wholesale murder of innocent Kachin people? The answer is really quite simply, Suu Kyi is still a hostage and powerless to do anything or she will finish out her years under house arrest. The world already betrayed her after she won the 1990 presidential election. The world sat idly by as her supporters were murdered in Depayin during a failed assassination attempt in May of 2003. She spent most of her life in confinement after that bloody event. The Saffron Revolution of 2007 was yet another massacre nations did nothing but sit idly by and make spineless watered down sanctions. She can very well be tossed in jail today and the world would still do nothing but gawk and make fanciful speeches to their electorates to look like they are doing something.

After all, the sham constitution of 2008 still gives the Tatmadaw absolute control no matter how many seats the NLD holds in parliament. But if you actually paid attention to what Suu Kyi says, she is not in favour of lifting sanctions no matter what the mainstream and pro junta advocates purport. And this juncture, I will give her the benefit of the doubt. But for my Jinghpaw brothers and sister they already see the handwriting on the wall and realize they must stand alone. Well except for their Red Indian cousin because I stand with the Jinghpaw and will always stand with the Jinghpaw. And if they die, I may very well die with them if the opportunity arises.



Your Devil’s Advocate

© 2012, Buffalohair Productions. All rights reserved.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Buffalohair, BUFFETS: Behind Asian Smiles, A River of Tears Part 3

BUFFETS: Behind Asian Smiles, A River of Tears Part 3

With Chinese corporations permeating the Asian restaurant scene within the United States I’ve been doing an on going investigation. Previous stories exposed some very disturbing facts about some mainland Chinese food corporations who use Taiwan as a store front. FOXCONN is a classic example of a Chinese shill corporation that abuses employees for fun and profit. From Human Trafficking to the sale of rancid food, I’ve uncovered some distasteful facts from many employees who work or worked in Chinese owned  kitchens. Now I have another update that will peel the varnish off your chopsticks.

In a gathering I attended with my Asian associates we got into another conversation about the Asian food industry. A Vietnamese friend of mine told a tale about a bogus Vietnamese restaurant his wife worked at. His wife got the job since she assumed it was owned and operated by Vietnamese here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area but sadly she soon discovered it was owned by a Chinese woman. My friend called the kitchen of the restaurant a ‘chamber of horrors’ because of its scurrilously repugnant nature.

The working conditions were similar to that of other Chinese owned buffets that dot the landscape, you work 12 to 16 hours a day with only one break, 7 days a week. For Chinese immigrants their plight was compounded by the fact many were illegal and worked as indentured servants in a tyrannical atmosphere. For a national to make waves to the Department of Labor would guarantee their families back in mainland China would be tortured and murdered. The language barrier and the fact they were illegal also was a factor allowing unsavory Chinese employers to abuse them at their leisure. Other victims, citizen or not, are completely oblivious to US labor laws and continue to abide by the caste system and accept their place as slaves.

Fortunately my Vietnamese friends were US citizens for several decades and not so willing to bow to anyone especially a Chinese tyrant. In fact the husband was a war veteran of the Vietnam the conflict. In any event his bride worked in the pseudo Vietnamese restaurant for only one week because the working conditions were so horrific. According to the husband when he picked up his wife at the end of her first week of employment he could not believe his eyes since she was so haggard. “I could not recognize her” he said. After just one week at the kitchen she appeared to age 20 years and that was when he asked her to quit. Then she revealed what transpired during her first week and only week of employment.

No one was allowed to speak to each other while they sorted dirty dishes. Sorting dishes consisted of getting plates from previous customers and taking out the ‘good’ bits of food and ‘recycling’ them. Shrimp, noodles, rice, veggies, egg rolls, soups, and other foods that were not eaten by previous customers were sorted and placed back in the heap for resale, yummy. They would isolate all the good looking food with no teeth marks and discard only a fraction of the remainder of the used platter. Imagine all those dishes of used food entering a production line to be reused on someone else’s plate for that is exactly what they were doing. Boneheads rant and rave about ultra lean meat falsely labeled as ‘pink slime’ while real garbage is being served up piping hot across the country.

Is this a new revelation about some Asian proprietors? Nope, if you read my older *stories you would know this is actually old news since this is common practice in many unscrupulous Chinese Buffets and sushi bars. I’ve interviewed a multitude of people within this industry and for the most part they are scared to death to say a word to outsiders. Since some folks don’t have legal status in America they would face death whence they were deported back to China if they said a word to the health department. It is a Catch 22 for them since they loose either way.  So it’s a win, win situation for morally bankrupt Chinese entrepreneurs because silence is the order of the day. With no regard for the working caste replacing disgruntled employees is just a matter of a simple coded phone call back to mainland China and voila; the order is filled with new and obedient slaves. The trouble makers are dispatched and their families back on the mainland are harassed or murdered for this blatant act of disobedience. Illegal aliens who disappear are not missed for they never existed in the first place. It all works out.

Malaysia is a hot spot for human trafficking, there is no question but there is another route many Chinese kitchen workers arrive that does not garner much media attention and that is the trusty old shipping container. It is said many people die from asphyxia in containers and their bodies are simply discarded like rubbish whence discovered by people other than port authorities. It is hard for a container filled with dead and bloated bodies to go undetected at customs but some do. Others perish when container ships sink like the one off the coast of New Zealand did a few months back. In any event human trafficking has become more innovative as shipping technologies continue to expand and evolve globally. Like notable Progressive Billary Clinton once said; ‘There are way too many people on earth’ so what’s the big deal about a few dead Asian peasants anyway? It’s all about the corporate bottom line and recycling used food is probably not so bad after all. Waste not, want not eh…

Shipping containers from China have many commodities in them and according to some Chinese workers I’ve spoken to they were one of these commodities packaged and shipped to the USA. Once the shipping container cleared customs at the harbor it was delivered to a warehouse. The migrants were fed and watered then ultimately redistributed around the country to various Chinese owned and operated enterprises who ordered them. I was surprised these human beings did not have a bar code tattooed on them. Other means of access to the USA include the assistance of corrupt UN officials who assist well funded and organized human traffickers in garnering bogus papers (UN Name) to refugees. Once they are documented they’re shipped to countries to fill orders in yet another elaborate human trafficking scheme. There is no question migrant and refugees from around the world are utilized in this manner to suit the needs of other corporate thugs. Globalization at it’s best.

Young Asian boys and girls enter the country with bogus papers all the time and not just for kitchen staff. Their actual ages range from between 13 to 17 buy crafty UN officials that reassign them 5 to 15 years older when drafting their new and improved birth certificates. So it all works out for people in the restaurant and sex trade supplying them with cute slaves they can use and abuse at their leisure. One sushi proprietor used to order gals out of Malaysia to the pleasure of him and his workers like he was ordering pizza or a Harry Potter DVD. Then he would sell them to other store owners or traffickers within the USA and Canada. Ordering women out of Asia is not relegated only to unscrupulous Asian restaurateurs either. It’s a cancer that has infected other cultures, particularly those with affluence who can afford this luxury.

On a side note I was made aware of an Asian man who was actually in his late 20’s but was issued an ID and UN name making him to 17 years old, again. He was attending high school and having a field day with teenage girls. Maybe I should go to Malaysia and get a new improved UN name and be 39 years old legitimately. Unfortunately I am not Asian and my age clearly shows an old native dude who was rode hard and put up wet. Toss in a few scars, holes, burn marks and a bad case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I seriously doubt I could pass for 39 either. UN name and ID or not I would still be an old buzzard with anger management issues. Maybe if I dyed my hair blond, spiked it, worn an Anime tee-shirt and baggy pants that revealed my color coded boxers. Hmm, I wonder…………..

The sex slave market place is booming throughout the United States and Canada. Young guys and gals are subjected to every kind of abuse imaginable including torture and death. But this is another story. When I cover stories about Chinese employer abuses the issue gets muddled since it gets hard to differentiate between the food & labor and human trafficking issues since they appear to run in unison. Mainland Chinese front corporations out ofTaiwan are notorious for food and employee abuses. They are a pocks to the food industry as a whole since criminality flourishes with corporations that have the blessings of the World Trade Organization and their member, the  Chinese Communist Party. Chinese oligarchist’s disdain for Americans is all too apparent in the foods they serve us. Ask a Vietnamese about the garbage China sends their people in Vietnam, from tainted milk to tainted pork and the list does not stop there.

In defense of legitimate Chinese and other Asian entrepreneurs there are many excellent Asian Buffets & Restaurants that don’t use and abuse their employees, let alone serve pre-eaten foods. I’ve explored Asian restaurants around the country and it’s been a wonderful culinary experience for the most part. Why am I so lucky? Well, I always eat where the Asians eat and if I want to explore a new kitchen I simply ask one of my friends. They know where to go and it’s a foodie’s paradise if you know what to look for. Rule of thumb; if restaurant employees appear scared and un-talkative like they have something to hide, that is not a good sign and chances are they do have plenty to hide. Beatings and torture are more common than not from the hand of Chinese handlers within the USA so there are many secrets these enslaved people must endure and recycled food is only one of them. In a nation that ‘harvests’ human organs from Falun Gong, Christian and Buddhist slaves the atrocities being committed here in the USA and Canada are relatively mild by Chinese standards.  

Some employees will watch as unsuspecting people load their plates with foods they know are tainted and used. Eyes are very telling and y’all need to pay attention. I’ve seen this many times in my travels and I’ve walked out of places that filled this criterion with no hesitation in Asian and non Asian restaurants. I learned the hard way and paid the price with the squirts for not paying attention to this detail, if you get my drift. Health departments do inspections and leave a rating at the establishment. Granted some jurisdictions are more active than others so policing diners is an issue generally speaking. On a positive note; if per chance you’re in the Dallas/Fort Worth area **Hong Kong Market Place is an excellent place to begin your Asian culinary adventure, Yee Haw! It’s like taking a trip to Asia without getting felt up by TSA. Hmm, I miss the intimacy though.

Bon Appetit’


Your Devil’s Advocate

© 2012, Buffalohair Productions. All rights reserved.

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